I know what you are thinking. “Um, Chelle, what’s up with that title?” :-D Hehehehe. I was bored tonight after doing some cleaning and not really getting to other things I wanted or needed to do and I decided to take a break and try out this morphing website I heard about. I had always wanted to try those “See what your baby will look like,” sites but they want an email and a cell phone number and umm yeah so not worth it to get spam. So when I heard about the Morph Thing website I had to try it out. Following is my adventure in baby making…with random men. :-)

We’ll start off with this little beauty. She’s a mix of me and Prince, as in the singer. He and I have decided that we are either going to name her Diamond, Pearl, or Nikki.

Next up and my baby with Taye Diggs. Seems to be a little messed up in the genes there. We aren’t sure who’s genes messed things up but we love this little one just the same.

This next little darling looks a lot like her father Steve Martin. Why Steve? Why not?!? Ok, I had a mini crush on him back in the day…and maybe still do have a tiny one on him now. :-)

My next beautiful baby comes from my brief affair with Adrien Brody. We lived, we loved, and then I left. He had to many issues. So not a situation to raise children.

Now this next one is a prime example why you shouldn’t sign up for those free science evaluations. I thought I was going in for sleep therapy and nine months later this little one came along. Come to find out, I was one of many experimented on to produce the spawn of Hitler. I know! But alas, he’s mine, so I love him. :-)

So my next child is the next great wizard of all time. He’s just missing his daddy’s scar, thank goodness. I think Harry Potter proved that having a cool lightening bolt scar isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Now this next one gets more to the title of the post. Brad and Angelina have decided that instead of running all over the world to adopt a child they’d just open up a program to allow people to reproduce for them. Since I had nothing going on at the mo’ I decided meh why not. This young lad is the product of that program. I was paid handsomely and you can expect this little one’s photo spread in the next issue of People Magazine.

Now after having Brad’s baby, I decided I needed to up my stats and make it a little harder to get my quality genes. I wanted my next child to really make an impact on the world. It was at this time I got a call from Obama in search of the original Michelle. Well, this was an opportunity I was not prepared to turn down. So here is our little one Miylieta. You like that name? So do I. :-)

Now my last, and I must admit, favorite celeb baby is with my believe Ewan MrGregor. The cutest thing, right? So cute, and I’m sure Ariel and Ewan’s wife will understand. :-D

Now these next few are just babies I could potentially have with some friends. David. This one I had to try because he was my first boyfriend and we’d always planned to have kids one day. So this was interesting.

Shawn, who almost didn’t make it in this post because he had an issue about me posting this picture. Um yeah, you can’t tell what he looks like from this picture alone. I will say this much, I don’t wear glasses so those are his. The rest I’ll let you guess on. :-)

Kenny. I don’t know why I’m kind of disturbed how girlie she looks in this one. If you all knew him you’d understand more about what I mean.

Now these last two babies are products of me and Ariel. This one I see as being our son. He has my nose and cheeks and his daddy’s brows and chin. The eyes seem to be a mix of the two leaning more towards mine.

And this one I see being our daughter. And oddly enough she looks a lot like me with a strong hint of him in there. They eyes are my shape but the coloring really isn’t either. Maybe a mix. She has my cheeks, his mouth and chin, and I believe a mix of our brows.
Now one funny thing about all these pictures are no matter how I morphed them they all ended up with the Serba nose. The folks on my mom’s side of the family have this little ball at the end of their noses and I got it also and it passed on to all these babes. It does make me wonder if that will carry on to any kids I have. Ariel has strong facial features like a strong nose so his could win out or it could be a mix of both which would be interesting to see. LOL!

And for a final morph, I decided to try morphing me and my favorite actress ever Audrey Hepburn. It’s interesting to see myself morphed with her. There’s a lot of her in there, but even she has the Serba nose. LOL! The nose reigns supreme!!!
So I hoped you enjoyed this and run off to morph yourself with celebs or people you know. It’s a fun way to kill some time. I wanted to post something doll related, but since I have nothing to report on right now I decided to just post this instead so I have something to post today. But I’m off now to get some sleep. I still have a lot of things to catch up on *coughemailscoughcommentscoughetccough* But just wanted to make sure I posted today. Talk to you all tomorrow. Bye for now. :-)
Loves ya,