I. Am. Old. Don’t believe me? Behold…
Ok, even I will admit that was a lame title, but I couldn’t resist. So guys, I want to tell you what a complete airhead I am. Why do I say that? Well remember how I said a couple of days back how I wanted an 11cm Obitsu doll to help continue me on my path of creating a mini minion army? Well do you remember the eyes and wigs that I showed you guys that I wanted to buy? You know, it never dawned on me that they were Hujoo brand items even though I knew they were. So I never put two and two together to figure out they must have tiny Hujoos even though I have seen them all over The Junky Spot Facebook page. *facepalm* I don’t know why I didn’t hop on over to that page before and take a look at them. But today I did, and can I just say, grabby hands!!!
So recently I was reading a newsletter from a mini printables site I like to go to, and I in that newsletter it talked about these cool miniatures that really “work”. What kind of miniatures am I talking about? Mini aquariums! LOL!
But it’s so awesome!
Just had to share this. Having an “up” moment right now so I took the chance to blog real quick. Now thinking it’s time for bed. I’m becoming a master of sleep lately. Here’s hoping it’s not forever. Bye for now guys and dolls.
I’m off to count
Loves ya,
Hey guys and dolls. I know it’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I haven’t had really much to blog about doll or craft wise. Just been “living” I suppose you can say. But I wanted to hop on here real quick to update you on how I’ve been doing since I’ve returned to a gluten diet. In one short word, horrible. I told myself there is no way that two very expensive tests could be wrong. Well, I knew the wheat test could show up wrong, but I didn’t think the celiac one would show up wrong. I mean it’s a very expensive test, so I thought for sure it would be accurate. But after just 5 days of eating gluten, that I said I would just have a tiny bit of and ended up eating it for every meal and most of the day, I feel differently. All those ailments that I had gotten rid of are slowly coming back.
Because I’m gonna. So my sister sent me a link to a picture of the new 11cm Obitsu bodies. I had gotten an email from Junky Spot but didn’t pay much attention to it until I saw that picture. I gasped as I made grabby hands at the screen. Just kidding, about the grabby hands, not the gasp. If you have been reading along with me, you know that I love the mini dolls and want to form a mini army of dolls. I just think they are so cute. I feel that this new Obitsu body should defiantly be mine. So I went through the website and formed my perfect doll as follows.
Hey guys, super quick update. So I have been recently working on my health lately with varying results. I have been having a hard time going gluten free because I love bread and have been feeling the need for bread big time. But gluten-free breads are dry, crumbly, and not good. I recently found a book and blog that could help that, from the reviews I’ve read, but as for right now I don’t know. I have recently gotten the flours and gums I’ve needed to go full steam ahead on fresh homemade bread, but I haven’t done it yet. I don’t know if I am scared to try or what. It’s just I will be so disappointed if I go through the trouble of making the bread and it tastes like crap. I miss white flour bread, can’t help it. And this has been throwing off my diet because I am craving it so badly that I will eat crap to try to fill that void, and it soooo isn’t working. Well that all may chance with an interesting piece of mail I got today.
My doctor had recently taken some blood samples and everything came back normal, except for my iron levels which I knew were bad, gotta remember to call her about my iron supplement. But everything came back normal. I had a celiac test done and it came back normal. So it seems I can eat wheat, but I am sooooo nervous because of how I felt before I went gluten free. Now that can be related to the thyroid issue I have, and maybe the going gluten free acted as a kind of placebo. Or maybe going gluten free helped it out in some way. All I know is that I’m torn on what to do. Today I did eat a wafer, two crackers, and a small slice of pizza and I learned a few things. I wasn’t missing anything! The pizza made me feel sick because of the grease, and this big “bright lights and angels singing” moment I thought I’d have from finally having a piece of regular pizza that didn’t taste like sand just didn’t happen. It was reheated so it was gummy, and the stuff on it didn’t taste like anything and it was a gourmet pizza. The wafer didn’t really taste like how I remembered them. It was a coconut sugar-free wafer, and it just didn’t taste like anything. They only thing that did kind of have a taste were the Ritz crackers but only because they had a special cheese spread on it. That’s about it. After trying the crackers I wanted to try the cheese spread again and just went back to using the tortilla shells I usually use. I don’t feel to bad. Not more than usual with my acid reflux. So maybe I’ll be ok with occasional gluten.
I don’t plan on going completely back to gluten. But it takes some stress off knowing I have options again. But it’s so weird, even with the options, I don’t feel the need to suddenly ask for everything yummy under the stars. I feel that this going gluten free may have helped me greatly in my quest to try to lose weight. It has taught me I can go without and I won’t die without something. It has taught me that I should eat to live and not live to eat. It has taught me that eating healthier is better use of your calories and it’s better for you. So I am still glad I went gluten free and will never regret it or the things I missed out on. What I learned from it is worth more to me than all the yummy treats in the world. Except for maybe Kit Kats. I could so murder a Kit Kat right now. But even saying that, I want to first try this Kit Kat imposter I’ve heard of first that is gluten free. If it’s not like Kit Kat then I will so grab me one snack bar. Just one won’t hurt, and just one will do. I’m so glad I have that kind of control now.
But yeah, that’s what I’m dealing with now guys. Still working on this acid reflux that literally cripples me sometimes. And this weight loss thing is also a nuisance. But all in time. One day at a time. It’ll all come together. Ok peeps, I’m off. I want to get some sleep and my acid is acting up and making me a little tense. I don’t want to feel bad, but I think it’s going to happen. Hate this. And to know it would be better if I just lost a little more weight upsets me because my discipline has been wavering some as of late.
But I’ll get back on track. If I can do gluten free I can anything!
Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Loves ya,
Hey all, sorry I’ve been quiet on my end of the world as of late. I was spending a lot of time sleeping and just watching stuff online from bed for a good couple of weeks and I had a doctor’s appointment last month on the 25th that told me some interesting things. I had a wheat allergen test that came back negative. In fact I was negative on any food allergies. But I explained I feel a lot better after giving up gluten. So she ordered an expensive celiac blood test that should tell me for sure if I have a gluten intolerance. So we’ll see. They upped my thyroid medicine so I’m feeling a lot better, but worry that I will feel bad again in a month because my thyroid will act up again. I felt good last time and then went back to being exhausted again. So I guess we will see. Fingers crossed.
But moving on from that, I’ve got a Liv doll wig update. Ok,so if you look back a few posts you will see my posts about wanting to take a Liv doll Hayden wig and making it look kind of like Rapunzel from the end of “Tangled”. So I finally got the guts and took to snipping. And snipping. Andddd snipping. And I finally came out with something that looks like this:
So I didn’t get the choppy look I wanted…I was to scared to mess up the wig. I think I would have needed a razor to get the look I wanted. So I just trimmed it how I liked it and left it as is. After fluffing it some it’s gotten kind of choppy looking and mopish. I love it. I’ve placed it on a Liv doll Sophie and she’s perfect. I finally learned my character’s name will be Lucy Shay. I am happy with the wig and it will solely belong to Lucy since it was made for her specifically.
So that is my little doll update. I hope to be blogging here on the regular here very soon. Be good until then my lovelies. Bye for now.
Loves ya,