Well more like yesterday now, but still. :-) My Blybe is here finally all the way from Thailand!!! She's a pretty as a picture and not as low quality as I expected. I didn't really know what to expect when it was said she was a medium quality doll, but now I know. She's clearly not high quality but she's not dirt cheap either. I am taking some pictures of her today and tomorrow and I will post more about her tomorrow.
Oh and if I have not responded to your comments yet I will. I have just been dealing with RL issues at the moment and just haven't had time. I will do so and thank you all so much for the comments and please do keep them coming. :-) Love you all and will be back tomorrow with a post about Penelope. :-)
Loves ya,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Look at what made me click "Buy It Now".
If all goes well, this shall be my Penelope. She's a Blybe doll, no I did not misspell that. I first learned about Blybe dolls through Dolls Ahoy when she mentioned one she liked. I already had an ADG Blythe doll and simply love her. I named her Ann Marie after the main gal in the "That Girl" show. I am very much into mod and I needed my first girl to be a mod gal. Who better to be my mod gal than a Blythe right. I have been neglecting my poor gal and need to give her some TLC after the much neglect. She needs some more outfits and her hair needs some tending to. I can't wait to have Penelope here though. I can picture them standing next to each other. If I like her quality enough and the seller then I will buy a few more dolls to customize some characters I have in mind then I will switch back to Blythe and try customizing Blythes.
Now let me tell you that if you are interested in getting a Blbye doll, please know they are not as good quality as Blythe from what I've read. Their waist joint seems loose and wobbly so you either have to do a body switch or do a trick I learned about on Flickr, put a rubber band around the waist and then the body is fine. The seller of Penelope says she will do this before sending the doll off. That will be cool if she did. I won't do a post about this seller until the transaction is complete. But if it all works out you all will be hearing about her for sure.
Ok well that's all I really wanted to pop back on and talk about. Now I'm off to watch the movie. Byers all, and be good.
Loves ya,
A quick pop in.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting much. Still Spring cleaning mostly. I know I have some comments I need to get back to and I will do that this week. Thank you for all the comments, I love getting them. I hope when I am done with the cleaning I can respond to them quicker.
During my breaks from cleaning I've also been working on my website which has a new layout, my shop banners, and my links and favorites so I can have a big list of all the cool doll places I've found online and can just easily add to the list when I find more. So that's where I am at now.
Oh, but also while doing all that I will surf the web to find some new stuff to look at and I found myself on this neat site called "We Heart It" It's a site where you can heart pictures you find online. I know there may be some copyright issues with the site, but the site links back to the page all pictures on the site were found. So I honestly think it's just more exposure for the sites the pictures came from.
Now on this site I found a very interesting picture I just had to share. Now while this picture is not bad in the least, until you get a good look at it you may think I've just gotten raunchy on you all today. I would not view it in front of kids or at work because of what it "looks" like from the passerby. So here goes, take a look at this interesting picture. Warning, doll nudity. :-D

Ok, now that the shock has worn off, admit it, it's pretty freaking cool. I just thought that was so cool. I mean talk about realistic looking right? My only ish is the male doll doesn't seem to have knee joints and the female doesn't have joints at all except for the arms and legs. Poo. But I'd still be tempted to buy both "dolls" because of how realistic they look. LOL! But yeah, just had to share that with you guys. Now I'm off to watch Easter Parade with my sister and then exercise. Bye for now. Be good.
Loves ya,
During my breaks from cleaning I've also been working on my website which has a new layout, my shop banners, and my links and favorites so I can have a big list of all the cool doll places I've found online and can just easily add to the list when I find more. So that's where I am at now.
Oh, but also while doing all that I will surf the web to find some new stuff to look at and I found myself on this neat site called "We Heart It" It's a site where you can heart pictures you find online. I know there may be some copyright issues with the site, but the site links back to the page all pictures on the site were found. So I honestly think it's just more exposure for the sites the pictures came from.
Now on this site I found a very interesting picture I just had to share. Now while this picture is not bad in the least, until you get a good look at it you may think I've just gotten raunchy on you all today. I would not view it in front of kids or at work because of what it "looks" like from the passerby. So here goes, take a look at this interesting picture. Warning, doll nudity. :-D
Ok, now that the shock has worn off, admit it, it's pretty freaking cool. I just thought that was so cool. I mean talk about realistic looking right? My only ish is the male doll doesn't seem to have knee joints and the female doesn't have joints at all except for the arms and legs. Poo. But I'd still be tempted to buy both "dolls" because of how realistic they look. LOL! But yeah, just had to share that with you guys. Now I'm off to watch Easter Parade with my sister and then exercise. Bye for now. Be good.
Loves ya,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April Fools Day!!!
Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits everyone! And Happy April Fools Day! Not more than 2 minutes when I woke up this morning did I go prank the prankster of the house...my mom. *Insert wicked grin here.* I told her I was considering breaking up with the boyfriend because he was constantly yelling at me and being cruel to me. Her mouth dropped in shock for a full minute before I said "April Fools!!!" It was funny! She called me a rat and laughed. Just had to get her before she got me...of course there is still 13 hours left to this crazy day. My boyfriend got pranked as well and well...his friend is a tard. That's all I have to say.
He played a really cruel joke on my guy...I'm secretly hoping my man will get him back...albeit in a much nicer way. To give you an idea of the joke, he told my man he had broken several bones that required surgery due to bad accident. Yeah...NOT FUNNY. Ok, it was a hair funny when you saw it was an April Fools prank, but only a sliver of a hair funny. Moreso funny that it was a joke and not real. He's a young guy, so I will leave it to his youth. Boys will be boys I suppose. Nah...I know younger men who wouldn't do that. He's a tard. :-)
So what do I have planned on this wonderfulist of days? Nothing much really. Exercise, maybe taking the pictures for my photostory and trying to find my past photostory, and hummm, look for more patterns that I may want to sew. Been collecting some patterns and have thought about starting out with some Blythe patterns as I think about the male clothes I want to make. I want them to be fun and not just your boring t-shirt and shorts. Still in the thinking mode for that.
Well that's all I wanted to say kiddies. I need to go take some Zantac...yep tummy is messed up again, get dressed to go out for a while, and change the calendar. What? That takes a conscious effort from me or I will go half a month or more before I flip it. Gonna go do it as soon as I click the button to publish. You all stay safe today and don't get to made at the pranksters in your life. They mean well. Be sure to get your revenge though, because as you know, one good prank deserves another. *Insert another wicked grin here.* Bye for now kids.
Loves ya,
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