Ok, I’m going to admit it, I’m like a proud mama tonight. I found a kind of blogging article site that you can just write what’s on your mind and have people view it. If you are lucky you will make money from it. I thought it would be a nice outlet for when I just need to talk and don’t really have to place to do some. Some things I wanted to talk about are doll related but I don’t think they really fit in here with the blog for some reason, so I decided to make it into a Squidoo Lens. I know, crazy, but it was fun.
I had heard about Squidoo while doing searches but never really looked into it until I recently found myself researching how to make money from home. I decided it couldn’t hurt and I was doing it more to write and get my writing out there, so why not try it. Only problem was I didn’t know what to write about. I decided to be easy on myself and write something doll related. That when I came up with the idea to help newbies to the doll hobby with tips and tricks on how to find doll clothes and accessories. I know, this may sound like common sense to some, but there are some places one may not look to find clothing. Like for example, did I ever tell you about the time I found an either MSD or SD size shirt on a note pad? Kid you not. It was front and back and super cute. I was going to post about it and I don’t think I ever got around to it. I bought two thinking I’d have to slice up the back in order to get it on the doll and wanted to be able to have both sayings on the shirt, but decided to just pop a future doll’s head off instead of ruining the shirts. Guess that means I’ll need twins.
So if you are interested in some tips on finding doll clothes and accessories or if you are just interested in seeing what I’ve written, I would love for you to head on over to my Squidoo called “How To Start A Doll Clothing And Accessories Collection”. If you like what you see feel free to like and share with the buttons located on the side of the article page and feel free to leave a comment. I have several doll lens in the making and I’ll be sure to share them all here with you. But for now I am going to curl under these blankets and rest. It was 105 degrees Fahrenheit today and now I am freezing my butt off, go figure. Ok, talk to you lovely lads and lassies soon. Be good until then. Bye for now.
Excited to start her new lens,
Oh yeah, and speaking of Liv dolls, if you didn’t hear, the official word was given, they have been discontinued. They last wave I believe will come out around Fall. Get them now peeps or forever face the wrath of the secondhand market. Just and FYI, just bought a Liv Spa Alexis for just over 5 dollars on Amazon. Oh yeah, and lens about Liv Dolls coming soon. I will so miss the line. I need to get on more Jake but hoping Toys R Us will give me a chance to get one for $7.50 again.
Fingers are crossed tight I’ll get lucky on Sunday. Scary to think I will be starting a comic soon that is Liv Doll based. What if I break one?!?
Ahhhhh!!! Ok, now I’m really going. LOL! Bye guys.