Happy Monday everyone!!! :-D So today I went out on the hunt for the Fashionista Barbie dolls. At the one Walmart on the other side of town they didn't have them and I got sad thinking they just weren't in town yet. But I decided to pop over at the one I didn't really want to go to and BAM! they were there, all of them, taking up a good hunk of the shelf. I picked the three I wanted and plan to go back for the other 3 at another date. Its just I don't really need any more blonds at the mo, so I would have to customize them some and I'm not in the mood for that now. The three are perfect as is...except I don't like their crap jewelry. So I will have to make some for them or give them some of the stuff I've already made.
Anyway, so I wanted to take pictures of them inside and outside of the box. Which is what follows.

I took this picture because this one was actually kind of odd. There were three of Sassy on the shelf and the other two dolls only had a few strands of pink in their hair while this one had a whole buttload of it. I guess she stole theirs and I scooped her up big time. I almost didn't want to get Sassy because she didn't have enough pink in her hair for me, and when I saw her I knew it was fate. ;-)

But after I got them out of the box I remembered how the slogan on the box saying they could do 100+ positions kind of interested me and how I loved how they were positioned in their boxes...which was done with lots of trickery and rubber bands, creative. :-D So I decided to see what kind of positions they could get into. Yeah, don't leave me with a camera and an idea people. I warn you now, pic spam is about to commence.

So there you have it peeps. My new gals with their new best friend Alix. I can't wait to start sewing doll clothes and using them as models and well I have some photostories in mind for them. :-D But I just wanted to share that with you all. Ohhh, almost forgot! Guess what else I got today?

My Snuggie pattern!!! Woo hoo!!! Snuggies are soon to be had by all!!! LOL! I got lucky, there were only two left. Now I just have to wait on a good sale on fleece...the good kind, and I will be a Snuggie making fool. LOL! Oh and I got my birthday present from my sister finally. It had to come all the way from Hong Kong, so I am enjoying that also today. Everything is turning out nice this week. Now if only I could get my flat rate boxes I ordered all would be good with the world. Geez USPS!!! :-) Ok guys, I'm off now. I'm super sleepy because I started exercising again today, so I will talk to you all tomorrow. Byers for now. :-)
Loves ya,