
Friday, September 18, 2009

Save The Words!

So, in my search for finding out all I can on how to become a great writer, I found myself on the "Save the Words" website where you can adopt words that have long be forgotten or ignored in order to save them from becoming extinct. Yes, I love silly sites like this. Have you not caught on to that already? Keep up people. ;-)

So anyway, I wanted to share with you my first word adoption. Be sure to click the picture to be able to see the full size. :-)

My word adoption.

Pantdress. I saw this word and had to make it mine. LOL! I plan to become the Angelina Jolie of adopted word mommies. :-D Right now I am taking time to bond with little pantdress before I get her a brother or sister. ;-) Let me know if you adopt a word and tell me what it is. :-)

Loves ya,

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