
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Finished Nano.

Hi in at 50,024 and I am done with NaNo for the year. I need a break so I can start editing stuff and start working on other stuff again. It was a ride and I'm glad I took it. I wrote 4 works of art and two of them I hope to actually get published. I can't believe I am done so early but I am glad I'm done early and though I wanted to be done on the 24th, being done now is just fine. :-) Happy Thanksgiving again everyone. Bye for now.

Loves ya,


  1. Congratulations, Chelle! You put in some serious work, you should be so proud:) Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks so much! :-) Yes, it was so hard work but fun. I'm still adding some words to my final total because I began working on my doll photostory script. So I will post my final count tomorrow. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well. :-)

  3. Congrats Chelle! That's a really great accomplishment! Keep writing even after you finsih! (don't ever stop!)
    (I know I should have been doing it but this year ended up being such a no-go...although I'm going to pick another month and do it then anyway!)

  4. Thanks so much! Yeah, I feel good about what I accomplished. It didn't look like I would make it at first but I did it and I'm glad I did. I will keep writing. I have to if I ever plan on making it one day. I do hope you try a novel writing month. I may try it again in January. Next month is dedicated to revising my first novel from this month that I wrote. *sighs* An author's work is never done. ;-)


Hello my lovelie, what's on your mind?