I know! I know! I'm such a bad blog owner as of late. The past few days have been filled with friend drama, family drama, personal drama, and its finally settled out some. SOME! Ugh, still a lot to deal with, but I need to get my game face on and get ready for November first. That date is just glowing in my mind like a neon beer sign. Its exciting to learn about more and more people that will be going through the chaos with me. Nat, I will so need to buddy you and Erica on the Nano site. What are your Nano nicks and I'll buddy you. Would love to give and get support, I am attempting two novels and I am still outlining the first one. I got lazy this month. Ahhh!!! But I work better under pressure anyway. Yeah. *Nervously bites fingernails.*
So in other news, I have been working on a forum for dolls and toys and I thought I would open it on Halloween, but decided against that. I decided to open it now to hopefully get some people to help me beta test it. The forum is call
The Toy Box - Doll and Toy Forum. The first 50 members will have instant access to the Marketplace since I will need to test it out. I will also need moderators for the forum as well. I just want some people to go on there and try everything out. There is a chatroom on there that refreshes every 5 seconds. Its pretty cool. It keeps the chat of the last people who used it so you can see what was talked about and respond. I also have an adult section for more mature posting or for those adults who would rather have their convo be for mature eyes only. So please feel free to join the forum and pass the link on to your other doll and toy friends.
Well I guess I need to explain a bit about the forum first. Ok, so I have been looking for a place that I can share about any doll I own be it Barbie to Blythe to a ball-joint doll. Most doll forums have strict rules on what you can share on their forums. That's cool, but I just wanted to share more. I also wanted to allow toys on the forum for those that wanted to share their new toy finds. This is all in beta right now and some things may work and some may not. I will adjust things as they level out. But if you are looking for a place to come chat about dolls and toys of any kind...well not the porno kind, then please stop by and register. A lot of the board is visible without registering, but you can't comment unless you do register. There are some off topic boards along with the Marketplace and Adult Lounge that are not visible to guests. I felt those sections needed to be kept private. The Marketplace and Adult Lounge can only be accessed when rights are given. The first 50 people will get instant access to them, but after that, members will have to go by the access gaining rules, which aren't really that hard to do. So yeah, check out
The Toy Box and let me know what you think. Send me plenty of pms, I'm mouse1996 on there. Please so not send anything to member Test, as it was just made for me to test for things like what can guests see whatnot.
And finally onto dollies. So I have this big project I want to take on. I want to sew up baggies and outfits for several dolls for Christmas for the Salvation Army. I have decided to keep it simple and just sew a tube and make a dress out of that for all the doll out of stretch fabric using Dorriebelle's concept for making
sock clothing. I have tons of it and don't know what to do with it, so I will use it up on this project. Not sure how many I will make, especially since this November is book solid.
I know I will have a few days in December to work on it, but I don't want to get so behind that I don't complete anything. Still need to pull out all my old dolls and give them a wash and brush. Then I need to figure out my quick pattern for a dress and I plan to make cloth boots that will look more like socks. I picked that method since I don't know if these dolls will go to really young children who might swallow regular shoes. You know, I always wondered why when we are young, swallowing odd things didn't bother us. Hummmm... Anyway, yeah, so I need to hit the ole fabric stash and bring out all the dolls that I plan to use. This will help greatly reduce what I own and give someone a smile. I'm rather excited to do this. :-) Oh yeah, I want to make baggies for each doll as well so the kids and carry them around or use the baggies as purses. I also wanted to make little cards to go on the pull ties that say Merry Christmas from Santa, but I don't know if this is only for Christmas. I believe it is, but I think to be safe I should just say Happy Holidays. What do you all think? Hummm...
Well that's about it for today peeps. I may come back a bit later to post about some stuff I have been working on. I want to work on my outline a lot today since the 31st will be here in now time and I told myself I will be done and ready to go by the 31st. I am sleepy now, but I can sleep tomorrow away. I must outline. I am stuck on chapter 1 of novel 1. Getting nervous here. I am worried this year I won't win. But I would hate to not make it to 50,000. Ahhhh!!! Ok, I am off. Later kiddies.
Loves ya,