
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday!

Hey all, so as some of you know, I am in need of losing weight. And I am not talking about a few vanity pounds. I'm talking about another person of pounds. So I have decided to post here about my weight on Wednesday and let you know how I am doing. This will help me be accountable and maybe help me lose weight. I will only post about my weight on Wednesday and I won't post about weight on any other day but that day so this blog won't turn into a weight loss blog. More after the cut.

So I have a goal in mind what I want to weigh by the end of the year, when HOPEFULLY my boyfriend will come visit me. Which will be the time I will try my hardest to convince him to move here to be with me. So I have to be in good health and shape to do that. So I am trying to diet, but so far, with holding myself accountable I have been eating what I want when I want. Depression is a bitch ladies and gentlemen and she likes chocolates and cookies. *sigh*

So here we go, day one. In a week I will weigh in and post a tracker on how I am doing. Not sure if I will post my actual weight or just how much I have lost. I'll think about it. So be here next Wednesday to check my progress. Yeah!!!

ETA: So I decided to go ahead and put the ticker up now. This ticker shows how much weight I have to lose to get to my first goal weight. I hope to reach it fairly quickly. It was holiday weight I never lost. LOL! So here's hoping. :-)

Loves Ya,

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