
Tuesday, January 12, 2010



So I finally got the last of the Fashionista Barbies...Fashionista Ken. :-) He's been a long wait to get, but I finally picked him up at Target last week. he was the last one on the shelf.


I couldn't wait to get him home to take him out. I opened him while sitting outside of the post office waiting for my mom to mail something off. I simply love him and his whole look.


I had to name him. So thinking about him and the kind of stories I was going to put him in, I decided on a cheesy soap opera-ish name. Ladies and gents, meet Stone. :-) He is Cloe's brother, first done of Robert Dolton - creator of Dollywood and Dolton Studios.




So now I have all the Fashionistas plus one hybrid and one gal on a altered pivotal body. Loves it. I eventually want to get a few more Fashionistas for body swaps, but I will also be looking into other bodies and other dolls to join my stories, so I am not jumping at any more Fashionistas for right now. Unless of course they come out with darker complexions, then I may take a peek. For now I am happy and am ready to move on with the doll hobby.


I can't wait to share with you the story that's been floating around in my head for years. Stay tuned for that. Bye for now. :-)

Loves ya,

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