
Monday, June 6, 2011

I’m still alive!!!

Hey all, sorry I’ve been quiet on my end of the world as of late.  I was spending a lot of time sleeping and just watching stuff online from bed for a good couple of weeks and I had a doctor’s appointment last month on the 25th that told me some interesting things.  I had a wheat allergen test that came back negative.  In fact I was negative on any food allergies.  But I explained I feel a lot better after giving up gluten.  So she ordered an expensive celiac blood test that should tell me for sure if I have a gluten intolerance.  So we’ll see.  They upped my thyroid medicine so I’m feeling a lot better, but worry that I will feel bad again in a month because my thyroid will act up again.  I felt good last time and then went back to being exhausted again.  So I guess we will see.  Fingers crossed.

But moving on from that, I’ve got a Liv doll wig update.  Ok,so if you look back a few posts you will see my posts about wanting to take a Liv doll Hayden wig and making it look kind of like Rapunzel from the end of “Tangled”.  So I finally got the guts and took to snipping.  And snipping.  Andddd snipping.  And I finally came out with something that looks like this:

Hair Cut (front)

Hair Cut (rear)

So I didn’t get the choppy look I wanted…I was to scared to mess up the wig.  I think I would have needed a razor to get the look I wanted.  So I just trimmed it how I liked it and left it as is.  After fluffing it some it’s gotten kind of choppy looking and mopish.  I love it.  I’ve placed it on a Liv doll Sophie and she’s perfect.  I finally learned my character’s name will be Lucy Shay.  I am happy with the wig and it will solely belong to Lucy since it was made for her specifically.

So that is my little doll update.  I hope to be blogging here on the regular here very soon.  Be good until then my lovelies.  Bye for now.  Smile

Loves ya,

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