
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Acrylic BJD Eyes On Amazon???

Ok, so in all fairness, these eyes are for dolls in general. Dollmaking to be percise. However, I was curious if these eyes could be used in my bjds, and decided to order some in a size 14mm for my Resinsoul doll. You get 4 random colors in the size you pick. Once I got them, I popped open my girl's head and put the new ones in. I am not sure if it's because I am fairly new to bjd ownership or if it truly was the eyes, but they can be a bit fiddly to put in, but once they are in they look awesome.

Now, please excuse my dry looking hands, the
awesomeness of thyroid issues and no amount of lotion helps (sigh), but these are the four colors I got. The send you four random colors. Mine are, I believe, light blue, blue (but they call it purple but me and my sister both say it's just blue), green, and grey. That light brown/tan one is the default eye that came in my Resinsoul, I just wanted to compare it to these new eyes. Very beautiful colors that just stand out when the light hits it just right. I thought, for a couple of bucks, and a little bit of a wait for it to ship from China, why not try them out. Here they all are so you can kind of see their color.

And here is my girl Mori, who happens to be a Mori Girl (so original, I know), with her new light blue eyes next to her default light brown/tan eyes. Sorry for the wonky eye, I thought it was in straight, but it wasn't. I swear it's an art to get those things looking straight. Big props to those of you who can manage that without issues.

I love the eyes in her, but it takes some work to get the eyes in. I think I'm not using enough eye putty and need to stop being afraid of using too much. Her eyes are currently sitting in her storage box with her, so I need to try getting them back in again...and try to see how to get the yellow off of her, that's another future post in the making.

So last year, when I took advantage of the Black Friday Sale at The Junky Spot, I got my cute and adorable
Hujoo Mouse. I decided to get her in white, and this year I plan to get one in Grey because I have plans for them to be sisters, one dark and one light. But that is a couple of months off, sadly. But that's ok, because I've yet to paint this beauty, but I loved the blue (purple...but really it's blue) eyes in her eyes, and I believe her sister will get either the grey or the light brown/tan default eyes from Mori. Not sure yet. But as you can see, the eyes fit in the Hujoo animal heads very nicely. I love how they fill up the eyes, because she is a mouse, so it's fitting. You may want a smaller iris, so go to a 12mm if these are just too big for your liking. Oh and if anyone one is wondering, my little mouse is wearing the Licca doll blue kimono. I bought it not really knowing who could wear it, and I had it for several years and then when I got my girl I tried it on her on a whim. Perfection. I think the color and the strawberries fits her perfectly. I think I want to stick to the fruit them for her, and maybe go in a sweet lolita and fairy kei fashion for her. So adorbs. I think when it comes to shoes I am not getting her any because she is a mouse, but clothes are ok with her. Don't ask me to explain my odd reasoning, I kind of see her like the mice from The Secret of NIMH movie, they wore clothes but not shoes. Which works for me because would you just look at those feet! Those are not going to be easy to find shoes for. LOL! But I'll be open to trying shoes on her just to see, but only if I find a good pair. So I look forward to making some cutesy fashions for her. Wait! How did this become a post about her fashion sense, especially since I haven't even introduced her to you yet. That's a post to come very soon. :-) For now, witness the awesomeness of the eyes. LOL!

So I have 2 pairs left from the set I got, which I plan to put one pair in my second Hujoo mouse I get, and the other in the second Resinsoul girl I get. Then I will be left with two default pair of eyes from the Bobobie girls, which means...well I'll just have to get two more dolls to use them. I am thinking a Hujoo cat, maybe two. I wish there was a male Hujoo mouse, I'm hoping that is coming down the pipeline soon. Fingers crossed. :-)

And that's about it for this post. I just wanted to share another option for those of you looking for eyes for your dolls. If you are on a budget or just getting into the hobby, you may want to consider checking out Amazon for eyes. You get 4 pairs for a decent price and they come in a variety of sizes on Amazon. I know I will buy again if I get another doll with an eye size I don't have. And of course I'll be sure to share those with you if that happens. :-) And on that note, I will talk to you lovely people later. Be good until next time we meet. Bye for now. :-)

Love always,
Mickey ♥


  1. I use silicone ear plugs for eyes instead of putty. It is clear and won't show if I use too much. It also makes it a lot easier for me to get the eyes placed correctly - even with 4mm eyes in my favorite Micro bjd-Richi

    1. I'd heard of that, but haven't tried it. I'll will have to look into it, because I really hate dealing with putty. Thanks for the tip! :-)


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